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The 2022 Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference will be held October 25-27 at the KI Convention Center in Green Bay. It’s a hybrid conference with in-person and online attendance options, built around the theme, “Meeting Challenges, Facing the Future…Together!” You can find out more at

This biennial conference addresses all types of invasive species. This year’s conference will celebrate 14 years of connecting the invasive species management, research, and policy community. The goal of the event is to strengthen management of invasive species, especially prevention, control, and containment. There have been great strides in these areas, but much work needs to be done. The conference provides numerous opportunities to network with professionals, land managers, researchers, nonprofits, and others. It also represents a strong partnership between its three hosts: the Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin, the Midwest Invasive Plant Network, and Minnesota Invasive Species Advisory Council,

Registration is open to anyone, but attendees typically include researchers; land and water resource managers; natural resource professionals; academics; nursery, landscaping, agricultural and forestry professionals; environmental specialists; lake association members; governmental agency staff; and others.

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